The Patrick Henry Chapter's Registrar is Compatriot Mike Taimi.  his contact email is  He can assist you in the application process.

The process for joining the SAR can be an exciting and educational journey into the lives and times of your ancestors. Often much of the research has been completed by close family members or even distant, distant cousins who may have already proven lineage for much of your family.   You may be starting from scratch, or you may be joining on your grandmother’s DAR papers. Whether by helping you to fill out the forms, providing guidance on navigating a troublesome link in the family tree, or just providing encouragement along the way our Registrar can help you become a proud and active member of the SAR.    The Registrar for the Patrick Henry Chapter can be reach at 

Step #1   Review the application instructions provided in the step-by-step application instructions and the SAR membership application forms which can be found on the National SAR website

 a. SAR Application Instructions.pdf  SAR Membership Application.doc 

 b. SAR Record Copy Request Form.pdf  

Step #2   Once you have filled out the application with as much information as possible, contact the Chapter Registrar for any additional instructions before submitting the documents.  

Step #3   Make copies of all reference documentation or “proof” documents in preparation for sending them to the Registrar via regular mail to be reviewed along with the completed application. Please DO NOT mark, underline, or highlight any information on the reference documentation. Such marking renders them unusable for the final application and final digitized storage of records at the National Society of the SAR (NSSAR). Once the membership application is sent to the Registrar (via e-mail) and the reference documents are sent via regular mail (address provided by Registrar), our Registrar will then advise you of any additional requirements.  

Step #4   The Registrar prepares a finalized application on official SAR acid free SAR watermarked paper for your signature and that of two SAR Compatriot sponsors at a final signing meeting*. Copies of the reference documents are included in the final package with the application for mailing to the Virginia Society of the SAR (VASSAR) and ultimately to the NSSAR. At the final signing meeting you will need to provide three checks as follows: (1) “NSSAR” for application fee and first year dues, (2) “VASSAR” for a processing fee in lieu of first year dues, and (3) “Fairfax Resolves” for first year Annual Dues. The exact amounts of these checks may vary based on specific circumstances and options (e.g. Junior Membership), so the exact amounts will be provided in advance by the Chapter Registrar.   *On a case by case basis, some applicants who are remotely located will be mailed the final application for signature with a copy for their retention. The signed final application should then be returned with appropriate checks to the Registrar. The Registrar and another Compatriot will sign as sponsors of your membership and the application is then forwarded to VASSAR and NSSAR for review and expected approval (Fairfax Resolves has a good application approval track record).  

The Patrick Henry Chapter often sets up display  tables at local festivals and events for the purpose of gaining name recognition,  educating the public on our work, and recruitment of new members.


© Copyright Patrick Henry Chapter, Virginia SAR